Mohammed Gholam: The fans are the secret behind this triumph

Mohammed Gholam Al-Baloushi, the sporting director of Al-Sadd, expressed his happiness at winning the Amir Cup, attributing the victory to the unwavering support of the fans. He stated that the fans were the secret behind the 1-0 win against Qatar SC in the final.

In his post-match comments, Al-Baloushi stated, “The Al-Sadd supporters played the biggest and most crucial role in winning this title. Our joy is immense with this victory and the championship, which came after heroic performances by our players in all matches. Every player was a warrior and delivered a strong performance against a tough opponent.”

He added, “Winning the Amir Cup will serve as a motivation and a boost for the new season. Al-Sadd always loves the podium, and we are grateful to have finished the season with a remarkable double.”

Al-Baloushi concluded by saying, “The presence of His Highness the Amir of Qatar at the final and the honor of meeting him is the greatest achievement for Al-Sadd this season.”